Our Practice
Thank you for checking out our local hustle - Wax Eyed Bees Honey. We appreciate you have a marketplace of honey producer options and we are grateful for you visiting our humble home online.
One Source
Wax Eyed Bees Honey is 100% pure, additive free and not blended with anyone else’s honey. Unlike the big guys, our honey comes from one source, our own beautiful healthy hives.
Our priority, from hive to harvest to your home, is to protect the integrity of the honey our hard working bee crew produce. Carefully extracted and packed, our methods ensure minimal disruption to the natural characteristics of this precious bee gold.
Free to forage
Our colonies are dedicated completely on the art of creating pure delicious, nourishing honey. Our buzzy mates are not used in commercial pollination services, they are free to roam, discover and pollinate at their own pace in their own rural New Zealand backyard.
Traced & Tested
Wax Eyed Bees Honey is traceable with batch numbers on each jar identifying the drum and apiary location it came from. To ensure purity and potency our selection of honeys are independently tested by a recognised New Zealand laboratory. Our product diligence meets rigorous standards set by the Ministry of Primary Industries and FoodStuffs Ltd so you can trust the quality of our product and have confidence the honey you purchase holds the exceptional attributes of a seriously good New Zealand honey.
Re-purpose, re-use
All Wax Eyed Bees Honey jars are premium food safe, safety sealed, and plastic recyclable - 1 PET. At present due to strict hygiene restrictions we cannot take your empties or refill your own used honey jars. Like us, we recommend re-purposing your Wax Eyed Bees Honey jars for handy pantry or stuff storage.
Chat with us
We're always keen for bee banter and honey chat so if you have any questions about our process flick us a message on the 'Get in Touch' page and we'll probably phone you right back instead of a message reply, we're old school like that.